Chula Vista, CA

Helping People with their Legal Problems in Injuries

Michael R. Hirman is here for you

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Offering Accomplished Legal Services in Chula Vista

Legal assistance for injuries encompasses enlisting the help of qualified attorneys who specialize in personal injury cases. These lawyers in Michael R. Hirman law firm provide essential support by evaluating the circumstances of the injury, determining liability, and pursuing compensation from responsible parties. Their expertise ensures that victims receive appropriate legal representation to navigate the complexities of the legal system and secure fair settlements for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages.

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Mr. Hirman

Meet Michael R. Hirman

Michael R. Hirman, Esq., was born and raised in Minnesota. 

He is licensed to practice law in California and Minnesota.  For the past 20 years he has practiced in the fields of Personal Injury, Family Law, and Immigration Law.  He has represented hundreds of individuals in their legal matters.  He has extensive knowledge in litigation.  In Family Law he has handled matters including child custody, visitation, child support and community property issues.  In Immigration he has represented those in removal actions as well as family immigration. 

He was received his B.A. from the University of Minnesota in 1991 in History. 

He earned a Master’s Degree in History from Old Dominion University in Norfolk Virginia and a second Master’s Degree in International Relations also from Old Dominion University in 1998.  His specialization was International Political Economy and participated in the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Forum on German and America Relations. Topics included: NATO Security, the European Union, and Economic Trade Issues.

He obtained his legal education from Ohio Northern University in 2000 earning a Juris Doctorate degree.  He was President Icelandic Legal Exchange Program, 1999-2000.  He traveled to Reykjavik, Iceland in January 2000 representing Ohio Northern University.


Mr. Hirman was the President of the San Diego Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution in 2022 and is currently serving as Chancellor of the California Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.  He is married and has two children.  He enjoys riding his horse in his free time and doing historical reenactment of the American Revolution and Civil War

Contact Mr. Hirman Today


  • Ford Explorer Rollover/Continental Tire De-treading

    Our Clients were a family in a Ford Explorer SUV.  As they were driving down the interstate the tires on their truck came apart.  The truck flipped over.  Unfortunately the family was devastated.  The father and one of the daughters were killed.  The mother and other daughter were severely injured.  We were able to advocate for our clients and as a result Ford, Continental tires and our clients were able to reach a confidential settlement at mediation.  

  • Stability Control and Pick-up

    Our client was a teenage girl driving the family’s pick-up truck.  Because of the design of the truck there was a fault in the Electronic Stability and Control system.  As a result the girl was killed during the accident.  We were able to fight for our clients.  The manufacturer and the family were able to reach a confidential settlement. 

  • Recalled Tires

    Our client was driving his pickup truck off road when his Firestone Tires failed.  The pickup truck rolled over several times.  The force of the truck rolling severely injured the driver and his passenger.  After a lengthy stay in the hospital we brought action against Firestone and the tire dealer.  During mediation a confidential settlement was achieved in favor of our clients.

  • Pick-up Truck

    Client was driving his Pick-up truck down the highway the when the vehicle lost control and rolled over.  The force of the rollover severely injured our client.  As a result of the accident he was paralysed from the waist down.  We litigated the case against General Motors and during mediation were able to achieve a substantial settlement for our client. 

  • Air-bag Failure

    Our clients’ son was driving his Hyundai sports car.  The vehicle lost control and crashed killing the young man.  The investigation pointed to an air-bag deployment failure.  After litigation with Hyundai on this issue a confidential settlement was achieved at mediation.

  • Feed Grinder

    Client’s father was attempting to clean a pig feed grinder when he fell into it.  The grinder was running at the time and ground his father in the processor.  We successfully argued that the grinder had  a number of design defects including no automatic shut off while grinder was in operation.  We were able to achieve an excellent result for the minor client in a confidential negotiation.  

  • Insurance Litigation

    Client and her husband were driving down the highway when a young driver cut their Van off and forced them off of the road.  After turning to other attorneys to represent them client left their previous attorneys and came to our firm.  We were able to achieve a policy limits settlement for the clients for their personal injuries. 

  • Wheels and Tire Rims

    Client and his friend were driving their Ford F-150 pickup truck down the toll road in Mexico.  The rims of the tire gave way and the vehicle went off of the highway and rolled over.  The client was severely injured requiring two brain surgeries to correct.  Part of his skull was removed and never replaced.  He was unable to go back to work and his wife suffered from this incident.  After litigation a substantial and confidential settlement was obtained for the client.  

  • Inadequate Security

    Client went to a local gas station/mini mart to refuel his Honda Civic.  As he was pumping gas he was assaulted by a transient person.  The beating that he client received was very severe leaving him incapacitated and unable to work any longer.  He was a very young man just starting out in life.  Our firm was able to successfully argue that the gas station had inadequate security on its premises.  After lengthy litigation a confidential settlement was achieved for the client.  

  • Defective Vehicle Glass

    Client and her family were driving on I-5 near Bakersfield when the driver fell asleep causing the vehicle to skid and rollover.  Client was ejected due to inadequate glazing on the windows.  She suffered loss of use of her legs.  We were able to secure a seven figure settlement for the client.  

  • Defective Power Saw

    Client was working in his back yard on a honey-do project when all of the sudden the neck of the rotating saw broke.  We were able to prove the defects in the metal holding the saw to the blade.  Unfortunately client suffered terrible personal injuries nearly severing his leg in half.  We were able to resolve the matter in favor of the client in the excess of seven figures.  

  • Bald Tires/Wrongful death

    Client was driving his car along I-15 in San Diego during a heavy El Nino rainstorm when another vehicle lost control of his vehicle  and collided with client vehicle forcing client into the center median.  The impact killed client’s father who was a passenger.  It turned out that defendant had recently purchased two new tires for his car.  Defendant couldn’t afford 4 tires so the tire shop decided to install the new tires on the back of the vehicle.  Once it rained defendant’s vehicle lost control causing the death of client’s father.  We were able to obtain policy limits in the high 6 figures for client and his family.  

  • Rape and Sexual Assault on Minor

    Client was a child playing youth soccer when her coach began to groom her and ultimately sexually assaulted her.  We litigated her matter and obtained a seven-figure settlement for her.  

  • ATV roll over PPE/Wrongful death

    Client’s husband was riding his quad in a race in the desert in Imperial County.  The quad hit a berm and ejected him.  He broke his neck and died.  He was wearing a Personal Protection Equipment that was supposed to prevent neck injuries.  We litigated the matter in Federal District Court and obtained a substantial settlement for his widow and child.  

  • Outstanding Legal Service

    Mr. Hirman won the 2006 Legal Aid Society Outstanding Service Award for his work with Attorney Henry Siegel on a pro bono case whereby they represented a family of children whose parents had been deported from the United States against their landlord, who kept their home as a slum.  The children were kept in filth and squalor.  After lengthy litigation, a confidential settlement was achieved for the children allowing them to move on with their lives in financial security.

    Mr. Hirman also received the 2006 Wiley W. Manuel Award from the State Bar of California for his work with these children.  


Obtaining legal assistance in cases of injuries is paramount, especially if they result from a car accident. The Michael R. Hirman Law Firm specializes in providing expert guidance to individuals dealing with injuries caused by car accidents. If you or a loved one has suffered injuries in a car accident, the experienced attorneys at Michael R. Hirman Law Firm can help you navigate the legal complexities. They can provide personalized support to ensure that you receive proper compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages or injuries resulting from the car accident. With Michael R. Hirman Law Firm on your side, you can confidently pursue the justice and compensation you deserve for the injuries you've endured.

  • A Word From Our Founder

    'I am inspired by helping my clients. I love when my client gets the justice that he or she deserves. When I see a person that has been living in the shadows in the immigration system and then obtains their permanent residency, I am thrilled they can now live a life normally. I love my family and my children. Doing for them inspires me. I am impressed with those common people that go to work every day and make their strides in life. Sometimes that is just as simple as showing up.

    “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

    ― Theodore Roosevelt

    I have always loved this quote by President Roosevelt. I think its shows what we as Americans must do. When I moved out to California after law school, I didn’t know a soul, I just came to start a new life in the sunshine. In my heart, I heard these words in the dark days of no money and setbacks. It helped me to persevere and to succeed.'

    - Michael R. Hirman

  • How can I contact Michael R. Hirman?

    To contact Michael R. Hirman, there are several options available.

    • Firstly, you can call during business hours at 619-238-9700. 
    • Secondly, you can email at any time addressed to
    • Thirdly you can use our on-site contact form, accessible at the bottom right of the page.


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